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There are several investments that have been offered to people recently that convern ‘green energy’ and green power technologies and their development. An example of one of these is Auhua Clean Energy Plc, a “holding company” that uses investor money to develop and apply Green Energy technologies, as well as Solar Water Heating Solutions in China. But being based in China, and being listed on the LSE’s Alternative Investments Market, it may not be an FCA regulated product depending on HOW you invested in it, and depending on how it was sold to you.

There is also ‘Aegis Power Bond No.1’ investment that was supposed help the UK generate more renewable energy from onshore wind-farms, and provide investors with huge returns. Many people who should be benefiting from their retirement funds invested their pensions in green energy via SIPPs (Self-Invested Personal Pensions) and have lost out greatly.

These are just two examples of many investments available in green energy. If you have made such investments, make sure to make contact and discuss your case with an advisor.